Hertling News-Blog

The HERTLING team wishes you all a happy Nikolaus today!

Actually, everyone should be walking around with sparkling clean shoes today?! 😉

Yes, we know that St. Nicholas is not shown in our picture.

But we also found the nutcrackers, which drum the message about the approaching Christmas, suitable for today. 😊

Did you know that St. Nicholas Day was the day we gave the Christmas presents until the Reformation? And that Nicholas of Myra was, among other things, the patron saint of sailors?

Therefore, since the 15th century, small boats were made of paper for example, into which the gifts were to be placed. These “St. Nicholas ships” were later replaced by stockings, boots and shoes.

Phew, lucky.

Who can fold a boat out of paper these days?

The HERTLING team wishes you all a happy Nikolaus today!