Hertling News-Blog

Support for Ukraine

Going to work or school, enjoying an education, be able to wash yourself every day, not having to freeze, going to bed not being hungry, seeking medical help if necessary and be able to walk the streets without fear for life and limb.

Probably the most ordinary things that we have enjoyed every day without giving it much thought are no longer possible for millions of people in Ukraine.

The horror of the war in Ukraine has been "capturing" us all for almost 3 weeks now.

The indescribable need of human beings touches our hearts.

The fact that many states, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and private initiatives are countering this suffering by helping the suffering civilian population somewhat alleviates the feeling of powerlessness at not being able to end this madness.

Every help counts!

Even the smallest personal support, material or monetary donation helps people who are fleeing the war in Ukraine or who are still staying in the war zone in Ukraine.

Professional aid organizations are able to procure large quantities of special needs, such as medical products, medicines and food, and bring them to the places of use, including in the Ukraine.

That is why we decided to support Aktion Deutschland Hilft, an association of well-known German aid organizations, with €3,000.

Everyone may help according to their possibilities!

Every help counts!

We would like to thank all donors and helpers who stand together for the good in these times!